My brand new terrorist thriller, The Point of a Gun, is now out as an eBook and will be available in its print version from Amazon July 13. See my new website for details and an excerpt .

For those who have seen “Wonder Woman,” it is, apparently, the summer of the strong female protagonist. By sheer coincidence, Samms appears on page one of The Point of a Gun and grabs the U.S. Counterterrorism community and the reader by the throat with her “blood-soaked hands…at breakneck speed” and won’t let go (the quote is by Bernard Cornwell). WHO IS SAMMS?

It quickly turns out that she is a very high level U.S. Government official, secretly leading an undercover, rogue group of vigilantes, killing would be terrorists. BUT WHO IS SAMMS? Is she the Deputy Director of the CIA for Counterterrorism? Or is she Deputy Director of the FBI for Counterterrorism? Or is she the senior ops woman working with the Deputy Director of the U.S. Army JSOC for Counterterrorism? And how is she pre-identifying terrorists? How are she and her not-so-merry band getting away with cold blooded murder even as she serves on the President’s White House Task Force charged with discovering her true identity?

And if she is caught, what does the government intend to do with her? WHO IS SAMMS and what should be done about her and her secret group of rogue vigilantes?

The Point of a Gun, published by Edition Barenklau and coming to you from your Amazon dealer right there on this screen.

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